Railway comfort: Passengers in Uzbekistan will enjoy complimentary tea and Wi-Fi services.

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – According to AN, the government of Uzbekistan has approved a list of free services for railway passengers, as reported by a correspondent from
Комфорт на железной дороге: в Узбекистане пассажиры смогут наслаждаться бесплатным чаем и Wi-Fi во время поездки.

A government resolution has been adopted "On the Approval of the List of Services in the Field of Railway Transport, Regulated by the State and Provided on the Basis of Market Principles."

According to the new document, passengers will have access to free tea, sugar, and drinking water during their journey.

Additionally, free use of strollers, mother-and-child rooms, and wheelchairs is provided. Passengers will also be able to use Wi-Fi for free in the waiting area.